Upcoming shows

08-09-03 Malmo (S) @ Utkanten w/ Kongh
08-09-04 Berlin (D) @ Cassiopeia w/ Kongh
08-09-05 Nurnberg (D) @ Kunstverein w/ Kongh, Bunkur
08-09-06 Aalst (B) @ Negasonic w/ Kongh
08-09-07 Tilburg (NL) @ Ashes To Ashes, Doom To Dust III w/ Kongh, Amen Ra, My Dying Bride, Krux, Habsyll etc.
08-09-08 TBA w/Kongh

Past shows
07-12-14 Oslo (N) @ Garage w/ Kongh
07-12-13 Gothenburg @ Underjorden w/ Kongh, I Date A Wolf
07-12-12 Malmo @ Debaser w/ Kongh
07-12-11 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Kongh
07-08-13 Oslo (N) @ Garage w/ Koldbrann, Kaospilot
07-03-01 Stockholm @ Debaser w/ Cult Of Luna

06-08-27 Frankfurt (D) @ Exzess w/ Officer Jones
06-08-26 VLAMROCK Festival, Belgium
06-08-25 IEPER FESTIVAL, Belgium
06-08-24 Paris (F) @ Le Batofar w/ Amen Ra, Time To Burn
06-02-25 Linkoping @ The Rock w/ Watain
06-02-23 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 (Releaseshow w/ guests)

05-05-11 Lund @ Mejeriet w/ Isis, Jesu
05-03-19 Saarlouis (D) @ Jugendzentrum w/ Sunn 0)), Boris
05-02-12 Norrkoping @ Fest I Valen w/ Dungen etc.
05-01-28 Sandviken @ Kungen w/ Breather, Resist, Victims, S.M.E.
05-01-27 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Breather Resist, Set My Path, Rentokiller

04-08-30 Helsingor (DK) @ Elverket w/ Menfolk, Jim Fear
04-08-29 Ieper @ Ieper Fest
04-08-28 Saarbrucken @ Schiff Stadt Saarbrucken w/ Marr
04-08-27 Koln (D) @ ??? w/ ???
04-08-24 Stockholm @ Debaser w/ Mono
04-07-31 Stockholm @ Blow Up A Panda
04-02-24 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Logh
04-02-07 Berlin (D) @ Kastanie w/ Roenne
04-02-06 Altenburg (D) @ Rote Flora w/ Zann, Men in search of the perfect weapon
04-02-05 Wurzburg (D) @ Immerhin w/ This is a call to arms
04-02-03 Prag (CZ) @ Pancor Rock Club w/ Anyway
04-02-01 Wien (AUT) @ B.A.C.H. w/ Bug, Fresnel
04-01-31 Munchen (D) @ Kafe Kult w/ John Deere
04-01-30 Stuttgart (D) @ Juze Degerloch
04-01-29 Basel (CH) @ Hirscheneck w/ Anthrazitf�tzel
04-01-28 Freiburg (D) @ KTS w/ ???
04-01-27 Nancy (F) @ Les Brasseurs w/ The Better Thought To Come
04-01-26 Hasselt (B) @ Muziek-O-Droom w/ Converge, TroubleLovesUs
04-01-25 Blieskastel (D) @ P-Werk w/ Llynch
04-01-24 Kortrijk (B) @ Textielhuis w/ Amen Ra, Wolves, Transistor Transistor
04-01-23 Athus (B) @ Le Marignan w/ Short Supply
04-01-22 Karlsruhe (D) @ Erbeersmund w/ The Unfinished Sympathy
04-01-21 Frankfurt (D) @ Clubkeller
04-01-20 Bonn (D) @ Bla w/ Creutzfeldt
04-01-18 Oldenburg (D) @ Alhambra w/ ???
04-01-17 Braunschweig (D) @ Cafe Nexus w/ Wolves, Transistor Transistor
04-01-16 Dresden (D) @ Scheune
04-01-15 Magdeburg (D) @ Mikrikosmos w/ Five Finger Discount
03-11-26 Uppsala @ Ungdomens Hus w/ Cult of Luna, QGMR
03-11-25 Stockholm @ Debaser w/ Cult of Luna
03-11-06 Linkoping @ Club Toxic w/ Nasum
03-10-24 Lund @ Mejeriet w/ Logh
03-10-23 Gothenburg @ Rio Rio w/ Logh
03-09-13 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Nine, The price of Ink
03-06-07 Vastervik @ Oasen w/ The Price of Ink
03-06-06 Fredricia (DK) @ Ungdomshuset w/ The Price of Ink
03-04-25 Stockholm @ Kulturhuset w/ Kid 606, Dwayne Sodahberk
03-03-19 Stockholm @ Debaser w/ Isis, 27
02-09-14 Stockholm @ Distro Grande, Kulturhuset w/ PG 99, Trapdoor Fucking Exit
02-08-03 Stockholm @ Blow up a panda Festival w/ Soviac, Trapdoor Fucking Exit
02-07-06 Oskarshamn @ Parkfestivalen w/ Nine, Between Us, Logh, Haunted
02-05-25 Fredricia (DK) @ Ungdomens Hus w/ Excem
02-05-23 Groningen (NL) @ Vera w/ Keelhaul, Knut
02-05-22 Amsterdam (NL) @ Occi
02-05-21 Bruessel (B) @ Bunker w/ Seven Days of Samsara
02-05-20 Mannheim (D) @ Mannheim Festival, Juz w/ Keelhaul, Knut, Llynch, Newborn, Heaven Shall Burn
02-05-18 Munchen (D) @ Kafe Kult w/ Seven Days of Samsara
02-05-17 Leipzeig (D) @ Zoro w/ The Black Hand, Potomac
02-05-16 Magdeburg (D) @ Heizhaus w/ The Black Hand, Potomac
02-05-15 Dresden (D) @ Az Conni w/ The Black Hand, Potomac
02-04-22 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Dead And Gone, Second Thought, Brood
01-12-14 Gothenburg @ Estniska F�reningen w/ Brisco, Set My Path
01-10-27 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ The Price of Ink, Pharadox
01-10-10 Umea @ Hamnmagazinet w/ Tragedy, Harum Scarum
01-09-29 Vastervik @ ? w/ Your Halo Is A Radar, Trapdoor Fucking Exit, Bruce Banner, Kaospilot
01-09-28 Norrkoping @ Kulturkammaren w/ Trapdoor Fucking Exit, Kaospilot
01-08-30 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ The Locust, The Oath, JR Ewing, Bruce Banner
01-08-04 Stockholm @ Blow Up A Panda w/ Your Halo Is A Radar, Kevlar, Price of Ink, Brisco
01-05-09 Stockholm @ Tantog�rden w/ Bluetip
01-04-12 Vasteras @ V�xhuset w/ Cult of Luna, Seven Feet Four
01-04-11 Gislaved @ Gamla Z w/ Cult of Luna
01-04-10 Malmo @ Panora w/ Cult of Luna, Lvmen
01-04-09 Gothenuorg @ Oceanen w/ Cult of Luna
01-04-08 Sandviken @ Kungen w/ Cult of Luna
01-04-07 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Cult of Luna
01-03-26 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Song of Zarathustra, 7feet4
00-11-24 Oskarshamn @ Vinter rocken - Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch, Shora, Entombed, Bombshell Rocks, Granada
00-11-17 Umea @ Punkfesten, Hamnmagazinet w/ The Jam Sesssion, Skeletor, Brisco, 7Feet4, Asterisk
00-11-05 Stockholm @ Lava, Distro w/ Mikael Stavostrand, Junip, Naimi
00-09-16 Linkoping @ Skylten w/ Section 8, The Get up and Goers, F.I.L., Flying Phantoms
00-08-18 MAGDEBURG (D) @ Winterhafen 2 w/ Brazen, Winston
00-08-17 BERLIN (D) @ Kastanie w/ Brazen, Winston
00-08-16 DRESDEN (D) @ Az Conni w/ Brazen, Winston
00-08-15 MONHEIM (D) @ Sojus 7 w/ Brazen, Winston
00-08-14 MANNHEIM (D) @ Juz w/ Brazen, Winston
00-08-13 ANTWERPEN (B) @ Scheldapensquat w/ Brazen, Winston
00-08-12 HOMBURG (D) @ Ajz w/ Prone, Brazen, Winston
00-08-11 Bullay (D) @ Jugendraum w/ Prone, Driven
00-08-10 Trier (D) @ Ex-Haus w/ Prone, Daysixwasthefailure, Flaming Homer
00-08-09 Luxembourg (LUX) (Wiemerskirchen) @ Am Duerf w/ Prone, Desiderata
00-08-08 Leipzig (D) @ Zoro w/ Prone, 4 Sivits
00-08-06 Gottingen (D) w/ Prone, JR Ewing
00-08-05 AMSTERDAM (NL) @ Kalenderpanen w/ Prone
00-08-04 DUISBURG (D) @ Fabrik w/ JR Ewing
00-08-03 Malm� @ Panora w/ Down to fail
00-08-01 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Stratford Mercenaries, Bar Feeders, Spider Cunts
00-04-28 Tystberga @ The quest for Quiet mountain Festival w/ Nasum, Trapdoor (fucking) Exit, Daybreak,The Jam Session, D.S.-13, Nine, Dead End, Kevlar, Section 8, Get up and Go'ers, Birdflesh, Brisco
00-04-11 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Locust
00-02-26 Link�ping @ LKPG HC Fest, Skylten w/ Daybreak, Between us
99-12-12 Stockholm @ Tantogarden w/ Breach, Daybreak
99-11-30 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Botch
99-09-03 Motala @ Ungdomenshus w/ Roswell, Kids in Embryo, Section 8, Rampage
99-09-02 Gislaved @ Folkets hus w/ Skullmonkeys, Super Dice
99-09-01 Copenhagen (DK) @ Ungdomshuset w/ Lack, Amdi Pedersens Arme
99-08-31 Malmo @ Panora w/ Intensity, Amdi Pedersen's Arme
99-08-29 Trollh�ttan @ Pumphuset w/ Splitwrist
99-08-28 Porsgrunn (N) @ Gamle posten w/ JR Ewing, Rage from within
99-08-27 Sarpsborg (N) @ Nighthawks MC w/ Smorgasbord, Seraphim
99-07-30 S�ljeryd @ S�ljeryd 99 Festival w/ DS-13, Jam Session,Separation, Section 8, Co-Op, Los Muertos, Acursed, Get up and Goers
99-06-12 Stockholm @ Vita Huset w/ Asshole parade, End of the century party, Good clean fun, Co-op and Burning kitchen
99-05-23 Stockholm @ Medborgarhuset w/ 8 Days of nothing, Co-op, Scumbrigade, Daybreak, Backside LKPG, Legion of Dyslectics, Sons of Cyrus, DS-13, Fetmule
99-04-03 Gothenburg @ Rosa Rummet w/ Burst and Jaded
99-04-02 Torup @ Byggdeg�rden w/ 8 days of nothing, Section 8, Jaded, Two Thirds, Burning Flames, Plastic Pride, Carnated
99-03-02 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ B r e a c h
99-02-20 Sundsvall @ Pipeline w/ The Hives,The (International) Noise Conspiracy, Greed, Separation,DS13, Comatose, Tolchock, Diefenbaker
99-02-13 Link�ping @ Skylten w/ Jam Session, Skitsystem, Section 8, Intensity, Wolfpack, Excticion of Mankind, Bomshell Rocks, Roswell, Sportswear, Floorpunch, Amulet
99-01-30 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Between us, End in sight, Second Thought, Soapbox
98-11-14 Ume� @ Punkfesten w/ D.S.13, Last Match, Arsedestroyer, Aztec 2 step, Separation, Hives, Intensity, Burning Kitchen, Randy, Plastic Pride
98-10-10 Stockholm @ Lava w/ The Hives, Hardcore Superstar
98-09-27 Mj�lby @ Telegrafen w/ Last Match, Jam Session
98-09-26 Gothenburg @ Rosa Rummet w/ Last Match, 8 days of nothing, JR Ewing, Sweet Little Sinister
98-08-25 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Scumbrigade, Jaded
98-07-23 Stockholm @ M/S Stubnitz (a german boat) w/ Burning Kitchen
98-05-16 Uppsala @ Genomfarten w/ Last Match, The Ghoulies
98-05-13 Stockholm @ Kafe 44 w/ Ink and Dagger
98-05-09 Stockholm @ Scen Maria

Read the studio diary kept during the recording of the new album

Live shows